For the last few years there has been a new trend showing up on Facebook and some of my favorite social networks. Essential Oils. I’ve been iffy about them. We don’t burn candles in our house that often because I am the only one who likes the smell. At work we’ve been hit or miss on people complaining. All and all, I’ve wanted to try essential oils but was afraid to make the commitment.
This summer I finally decided to make the leap and purchased my starter kit from Young Living.
What Are Essential Oils?
I guess we should back up here. What exactly are essential oils?
I’m not going to pretend to be an expert. In fact, I’m pretty far from it. I’ve been learning as I go and it’s been an incredible journey.
In the most basic terms out there, essential oils are the main oils extracted from a plant. Sounds simple right? Technically it’s not quite that easy and there are many oils out there that claim to be pure that really aren’t. The oils themselves have a number of health (and spiritual) benefits and have actually been used for an incredibly long time.
Essential oils can be used for pain relief, stress relief, meditation, relaxation, allergy relief, etc. Chances are there is an oil for just about anything you need.
Do Essential Oils Really Work?
Honestly, I wouldn’t be writing this post if they didn’t. I only write about products I believe in and essential oils have become a large part of my evening routines at home.
My main reason for finally trying the essential oils was the fact that Baby B and I were fighting allergies this spring. He was too young to start allergy medication, vapor rub wasn’t working and we were not sleeping very well at all. A co-worker made us a rollerball to test out an allergy blend.
You guys. It worked.
We rolled a little bit on both of his feet and he was breathing so much better as we went to bed at night. We’ve used and refilled the rollerball a few times this summer and it has been a wonderful solution for the allergy season that never seems to end.
Some nights we add a little extra push to the allergy relief with an allergy relief diffuser blend as well. It doesn’t smell too strong and has really helped clear the air before bedtime.
That was just one example of how well they worked.
I’ve always heard that lavender in general is great for headaches. Lately I’ve been running into them more often than not with the Fall weather creeping in. I started diffusing 3 drops of Lavender along with my other favorite 2 drop of Peace and Calming while I clean up the kitchen at night. If it doesn’t take care of my headache by the time I go to bed, I move the diffuser next to the bed for a little bit.
It really does work. I’m not completely crazy. We also turn the same blend on in the diffuser sometimes to just settle down after a busy night. On nights where things are a little bit more crazy we’ll add an extra drop of each oil.
My Favorite Essential Oils
I’m pretty bad at choosing favorites, but when it comes to essential oils I’ve very quickly found my go to oils.
- Lavender – Not only does it smell nice but it helps with headaches and settling down at night.
- RC – My favorite for allergy relief. Baby B has made use of this many times this summer.
- Peace and Calming – I once heard that mom’s swear by this essential oil and I can see why. I always feel relaxed after we start diffusinng it.
- Purification – My favorite to diffuse when we are cleaning. The smell just feels so clean.
How Do I Try Them?
I’m glad you asked! Here’s the thing about essential oils, you need a diffuser and GOOD oils. We have a few knock off brands we’ve used at work and they really aren’t the same. The smell is a little too strong and they just don’t work.
Young Living is by far one of THE MOST respected companies out their. The price tag might look expensive but it has been worth every penny.
The best way to get started with essential oils? Purchase the starter kit from Young Living. Not only does it come with a diffuser but you also get the 11 most common oils that you would need at a CRAZY discounted rate.
I was hesitant at first but I’ve made use of (almost) all of the oils on a regular basis since purchasing the kit. When it comes to using the diffuser it is HANDS DOWN better than the cheap one I bought off of amazon just to test things out.
I’m not going to lie, I already want to add another diffuser to our collection soon.
Have you tried essential oils before? What are your go to oils?
The post Essential Oils…Why I Finally Bought Into This Trend appeared first on Leggings and Lattes.